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Brainstorm Blog 4


My piece will be a web adventure in which the user creates their own artwork by choosing the subject, background, supporting subjects, and theme. I will use the quote "All great artists give their painting meaning while they paint, not before, not after." I think that I will be drawing majority of the images on procreate on my iPad. I will probably use a lot of inspiration from vintage magazines for subjects. Part of this will be about showcasing how easy it is to create a coool looking piece of art if you have the right taste. You do not have to be technically gifted to learn and create good artwork. Each step in the process of choosing, decisions will most likely have only two options. These options will be different from each other substantially enough to make a dramatic difference on the canvas. For instance, The subject will either be a man or a woman. I will also be including pictures that I find off the internet. These will probably be black and white vintage pictures. The background options will most likely be abstract. The background will definitely be made by myself though. I want to include a lot of influence by a recent movie I saw in theaters called bones and all. I just want to try and capture a similar aesthetic to the one portrayed in the movie. This means that it will have to have an 80s theme to it. This will be very tedious because I want to make sure either outcome is a cool looking piece of digital art.


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