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Brainstorm Blog One

I always find the most promising artistic ideas right before bed. I think this is because I am decompressing all my emotions from the days events. This decompression allows me to see world at a pure sense, and this is where I feel most creative. This past week has produced quite a few pre-bed lightbulbs. I have been doing a lot of charcoal drawings this past year (figure 1) and want to complete a few last pieces in that medium before I go on. One is a piece of a man checking his watch next to a empty chair. The other will be a man standing adjacent himself doing different things - I haven't quite figured that part out. I next have plans doing venture into abstract character studies. I want to find my own abstract form. I have been doodling in class in a Hunter S. Thompson esc manner and have been wondering how I could transfer those into a published art piece (figure 2. I have been wanting to play around with the idea of having human character represented through their heat maps. This would be possibly integrated into the charcoal drawings I spoke of before. Lastly, I have been wanting to work on massive abstract color blobs (figure 3). I want to see what I can do with my taste in colors alone. I want to see how limited colors, if the right mix, can be substantial in art. The way I quickly take note of these ideas is through my Ipad. Pictures of these ideas are noted below.

figure 1

figure 3

figure 2

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