My web adventure consist of multiple parts of a collage you can choose to use in your final image, which is displayed to you at the end of the adventure. The idea for the animated collage adventure came to me as I was thinking about an art project outside of class. I thought it would be cool to make a web adventure that can help me choose which subjects, colors, etc. I should use on my canvas. I think it came out very smooth, but not quite as interesting as I had hoped. The function of the adventure was perfect and everything worked to a T, but the images were not as complex or interesting as I prefer my art to be. The reason for this was because linking different parts to different decisions is extremely tedious and ultimately, I felt I could convey a cool functioning idea without the most complex options. With this in mind, I was able to narrow down the options for the collage into simpler working parts, such as the main subject and the background. This made it so each step the work became more and more complete. I thought this website interface was very fun to use and build. I think I will incorporate a lot of techniques I learned in this project into setting up real life artworks. I thought even though the images weren't that complex in nature, I was able to add a distortion option at the end of the adventure that really seals the deal.