I think that post modern art is crucial and fascinating in the larger scheme of art history. I think that the movement of expressionists, abstract exporessionis and contemporary artists are the foundation of everything we see in art today. Every single piece. I think the most curricula part of this shift in art coming from the likes of Duchamp and Warhol is that art can really be anything. This is the idea that through the perspective of an artists or any individual, some object or non formal art medium can represent and hold artistic meaning. I love this idea of art. Ι think this is very important because it opens up the beauty and acceptance of art to the larger world. More artists who are not capable of masterful techniques and approach art and make things that are effective. Nowadays people walk a very fine line with appropriating things to make art. This is really the main issue that comes out of post modern art. What is really in the rights of the artist?