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Samual's Soundscape

Updated: Oct 5, 2022

This piece is called "In and Out of Touch"

Artist Statement

This piece was meant to pull you in and out of an ambient sonic space. I placed a soft, low fi track in the background of the whole piece. The low fi sample was only about 10 seconds so I had to repeat the same sample enough times to fill out the 4:33. This low fi sound is very relaxing and ambient. It has a quick build up and a soft ending. The individual samples are organized in a way where they get more and more complex. The quantity of the sample was stacked on top of each other more and more as the track reaches the climax. I also overdubbed many effects and presets overtop the low fi sections. After the background sound was done, I began adding quick sample tracks from class overtop. The idea behind adding these extra sounds was engage the listener. The ambient sound relaxes the listener and leaves them off-guard. When sounds such as loud beeps are thrown into the track it really shocks the listener. I was trying to play with the listeners engagement and emotions. Not all of the sounds used were to frighten the viewer, some tracks added were musical. The musical tracks, such as the orchestra recording were added to combine different sections of the multitrack. The message behind the piece was to explore our minds ability to jump in and out of a sort of “trance” certain sounds can ignite.

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